Ideas for breaking out of a creative drought
- Hesitation is destruction.
- Addition is often a process of subtraction.
- Go as deep as you can with what you’re doing.
- Let your camera follow your life instead of having your life follow the camera.
- Think of photographs as compliments and love letters.
- Relationships are more important than photographs.
- Rejection is normal, don’t be afraid of it.
- Welcome failure because it leads to growth.
- Don’t worry about the answers, you’ll never find them until you embrace the questions.
- Success is a byproduct of something bigger than itself so don’t pursue it.
- Confront your anxieties and fears by leaving your comfort zone.
- Don’t repeat yourself.
- Don’t worry about your work being bad or good – completion is all that matters.
- Stay away from imitating others (know the difference between inspiration and imitation).
- Know yourself.
- Challenge everything and do so with humility.
- Your subconscious is like a secret factory, if you feed it good things than good things will probably come out.

- Stop thinking and go out and produce and produce and produce…
- Two weeks with a great mentor is probably equivalent to two years of school.
- What you surround yourself with will often dictate who you become.
- Photography is not about photography (photographs about photographs are boring).
- Examine your intentions carefully and stay true to the original idea.
- Make friends with people who aren’t photographers.
- Becoming a “great” photographer is a lifetime achievement.
- Sentimentality is the opposite of cynicism and try to keep both out of your work.
- Let your work breathe. When you have completed it, lock it away and come back to it at a later date with fresh eyes.
- Sometimes you need to let go in order to have something return.
- Everything is subjective.
- People are constantly re-writing their memory.
- Know when and when not to show your work to people. Give ongoing projects a healthy incubation period before sharing them.
- Go for walks when you feel stuck.
- Fake it until you make it!
- Always trust your gut.
- Peter McCollough
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